Magical Nights
Magical Nights

Oil, acrylic and oil pastel on wood

112 x 92 cm


Hot Air Balloon Impression
Hot Air Balloon Impression

Oil and acrylic on canvas board

45 x 59 cm


Road Trip to the Balloons
Road Trip to the Balloons

Oil and acrylic on canvas board

46 x 27 cm


Road Trip to the Castle down South
Road Trip to the Castle down South

Oil and acrylic on canvas board

43 x 24 cm


Étoile Picking
Étoile Picking

Oil and acrylic on canvas board

54 x 34 cm


Mirabelle Shower
Mirabelle Shower

Oil and acrylic on canvas board

52 x 35 cm


Le Goûter
Le Goûter

Oil and acrylic on canvas board

42 x 29 cm


Fête Nationale Firework
Fête Nationale Firework

Oil and acrylic on canvas board

57 x 53 cm


Wishful Thinking
Wishful Thinking

Oil, acrylic, oil pastel and LED on canvas board

41 x 28 cm


When the light turned green for Dad
When the light turned green for Dad

Oil, acrylic and oil pastel on canvas

110 x 90 cm


When bookshelves became mask shelves
When bookshelves became mask shelves

Oil, acrylic and oil pastel on canvas

110 x 90 cm


A cliff by the beach, waves and a pattern of red flowers under my feet
A cliff by the beach, waves and a pattern of red flowers under my feet

Acrylic on wrapped canvas board

34 x 27 x30 cm


Two lost items
Two lost items

Acrylic and pencil on wrapped canvas board

50 x 27 x 27 cm


She tilted her head out to see the almost florescent hay bales
She tilted her head out to see the almost florescent hay bales

Acrylic and oil pastel on wrapped canvas


39 x 26 x 58 cm


From Ama jia’s marble tiles to the road trips in Lorraine, We dreamt
From Ama jia’s marble tiles to the road trips in Lorraine, We dreamt

Acrylic and oil pastel on wrapped canvas board

35 x 22 x 27 cm


Let me sleep, it's not a game
Let me sleep, it's not a game

Acrylic on wrapped canvas board

30 x 45 x 34 cm


Walking down the streets of her happy place, She felt like she was flying
Walking down the streets of her happy place, She felt like she was flying

Acrylic and oil pastel on wrapped canvas board

40 x 40 x 29cm


A lunch break under The shadows of the pyramid
A lunch break under The shadows of the pyramid

Acrylic on wrapped canvas board

53 x 30 x 34 cm


Magical Nights
Hot Air Balloon Impression
Road Trip to the Balloons
Road Trip to the Castle down South
Étoile Picking
Mirabelle Shower
Le Goûter
Fête Nationale Firework
Wishful Thinking
When the light turned green for Dad
When bookshelves became mask shelves
A cliff by the beach, waves and a pattern of red flowers under my feet
Two lost items
She tilted her head out to see the almost florescent hay bales
From Ama jia’s marble tiles to the road trips in Lorraine, We dreamt
Let me sleep, it's not a game
Walking down the streets of her happy place, She felt like she was flying
A lunch break under The shadows of the pyramid
Magical Nights

Oil, acrylic and oil pastel on wood

112 x 92 cm


Hot Air Balloon Impression

Oil and acrylic on canvas board

45 x 59 cm


Road Trip to the Balloons

Oil and acrylic on canvas board

46 x 27 cm


Road Trip to the Castle down South

Oil and acrylic on canvas board

43 x 24 cm


Étoile Picking

Oil and acrylic on canvas board

54 x 34 cm


Mirabelle Shower

Oil and acrylic on canvas board

52 x 35 cm


Le Goûter

Oil and acrylic on canvas board

42 x 29 cm


Fête Nationale Firework

Oil and acrylic on canvas board

57 x 53 cm


Wishful Thinking

Oil, acrylic, oil pastel and LED on canvas board

41 x 28 cm


When the light turned green for Dad

Oil, acrylic and oil pastel on canvas

110 x 90 cm


When bookshelves became mask shelves

Oil, acrylic and oil pastel on canvas

110 x 90 cm


A cliff by the beach, waves and a pattern of red flowers under my feet

Acrylic on wrapped canvas board

34 x 27 x30 cm


Two lost items

Acrylic and pencil on wrapped canvas board

50 x 27 x 27 cm


She tilted her head out to see the almost florescent hay bales

Acrylic and oil pastel on wrapped canvas


39 x 26 x 58 cm


From Ama jia’s marble tiles to the road trips in Lorraine, We dreamt

Acrylic and oil pastel on wrapped canvas board

35 x 22 x 27 cm


Let me sleep, it's not a game

Acrylic on wrapped canvas board

30 x 45 x 34 cm


Walking down the streets of her happy place, She felt like she was flying

Acrylic and oil pastel on wrapped canvas board

40 x 40 x 29cm


A lunch break under The shadows of the pyramid

Acrylic on wrapped canvas board

53 x 30 x 34 cm


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